Lately I have been thinking about all the changes that tend to take place during the ages of 18-25, which is the current age of the millennials. A lot happens during this time. High school graduation, moving off to college, being on your own, choosing a major that will follow you for the rest of your life, college graduation and then the start of your career. Not to mention possibly falling in love and taking the next step to marriage or even being left by the one person you imagined you would love your whole life. Think back to long ago and far away, jr. high was such an awkward time because we were trying to figure out who we were, what (who) we liked and what crowd to run with. But college is honestly much the same. It is kind of scary actually- I guess history does repeat itself.
Right now I am not attending college. My body and mind do not have the stamina to deal with that right now. I do look forward to going back, but this is a good time. I look around and see friends getting ready to leave for college. Some know what they are going to do and be and others are totally unsure. Moving out and starting a new chapter is so exciting but I see it being a huge stressor for so many. Our culture promotes moving away, a lust of wandering, and pushing beyond our limits so that nothing holds us back. These can all be good things! But what I am starting to see is that these things are creating doubt in our generation. A paralyzing fear of making the wrong decision and not fulfilling our potential or even possibly missing out on something because of the path we choose.
Our culture says to have a wandering spirit and to always search for more. While this is meant to be a motivator I think it has backfired a bit on our generation... I would say it has had an effect on the trust we should have in the plan God has for us. Sometimes His plans are unclear and that is frustrating. But I think that this "don't let anything stop you" message is catering to our paranoia that everything has the potential of stopping us or being a mistake and it is making us fearful to embrace the gifts and opportunities given to us.
God uses the people, places (colleges/workplaces), and things in our lives to shape and grow us. He uses the good and bad grades, the laughter and the tears, the health and the pain, and the love and the rejection to take us where He can use us best. It is not a thing to fear. Sure, the future is unknown and it will have its ups and downs but I truly believe that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. Sometimes when God is quiet at the very times you wish He'd speak up, it is a call to step out in faith. Sometimes He wants to see you put your faith into action and trust that He'll catch you if you fall. And by experience I can say, He will always catch you. When you put your fear behind you and trust God with the things He has done for you, then you have passed the test. God is a good Father and a mighty warrior in our defense. He redeems our mistakes and forgives our unfaithfulness. He looks past our doubt and loves us anyways.