School is off with a bang! I couldn't be more excited to see what God has in store for this semester. I am a little nervous to be taking 15hrs but I know it's doable. There is a lot of pressure on these classes... It is crazy important that I make an A in each class or I don't really stand a chance for acceptance to a good PTA program. Lord, be present! This is a rather short post because I have just a few things on my mind, some areas God has been challenging me, that I want to share.
As I begin another semester I find myself wondering, why am I doing this? Why am I choosing a busy life that stresses me and stretches me? For my future of course. I need to live right now focused on my future so that I can make money, eventually get married, and live successfully. That's a really good thing to do! But the thing pressing on my mind is, why am I living right now in way that is completely focused on my future? Don't get me wrong, working on school to try to make a future for myself isn't inherently wrong... In fact it's good and a wonderful blessing. But what about now? God has given me right now, so why am I living my now so focused on then? Like I said, getting a college education isn't inherently wrong. But keep in mind, we aren't promised a future, we aren't guaranteed tomorrow. I don't want this season to be so completely about the days to come that satan distracts me from the importance of this day.
I suppose what I've been challenged with lately is, what am I doing right now, today, to advance the thing that truly matters; His kingdom? Am I loving the people around me enough to care about their future? Not their earthly future, but their eternal future. Or am I missing perfectly good opportunities to show them Jesus? It makes me sad that I daily neglect my true call in life. My ministry doesn't start when I graduate, get a job, or even when I begin PTA schooling. It starts like, last year. In other words, it's January friends, don't miss a perfectly good bonfire just because you're in your swimsuit waiting for summer to come around. God created the Spring too! So let's arm ourselves daily with the armor of God (Ephesians 6) so that we are ready to stand against the schemes of the devil (vs. 11) in every season. Stand firm in the breastplate of righteousness, shoes for readiness, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the Spirit which is the word of God (vs. 11-17). Let's be ready for today and be present in this very moment. Working to save money or getting a college education are very good things, but it would be a shame if satan perverted this in a such a way that we lose sight of today. Today is the day that the Lord has made, let's rejoice and be glad in it. Have a blessed spring semester, friends!